If you recently purchased a sleep number bed and your new sleep number bed is smelling too bad then don’t worry,

We got you covered.

Lots of people who purchase new sleep number bed ask me “why does my sleep number bed smell?”

And especially if you have a highly allergic and sensitive family then sleeping on a new sleep number bed can be a nightmare for you.

When you purchase a new mattress and you are smelling an unpleasant smell from your mattress then it’s called an off-gassing smell.

And not only sleep number beds but almost every mattress has an off-gassing smell.

This off-gassing smell from your sleep number bed is nothing but VOCs (Volatile Organic Compound) which is used in the manufacturing process.

Then what should you do? How can you sleep in your new bed? And how you can fasten up the off-gassing process of sleep number bed?

Let’s get started.

Does Sleep Number Bed Have Off-Gassing Smell?

Yes, all mattresses have an off-gassing smell including a sleep number bed which will fade away in a few days. And the smell of off-gassing can be trapped inside the mattress cover or air bladders of a sleep number bed.

All mattresses from the sleep number bed are natural and chemical free but unlike the other mattresses sleep number bed also has an off-gassing smell.

So if you smell unpleasant or chemical smell when you use a new sleep number bed then your bed is in process of off-gassing.

I Do not recommend using the sleep number bed on Day 1 when it arrives because you need to put your sleep number bed in a ventilated room for a few days.

Because the off-gassing process can take up to a week.

Also Read: 5 Proven Ways to Inflate Sleep Number Bed Without Remote

Why does my sleep number bed smell so much?

If your sleep number bed is new and causing an unpleasant or chemical smell then don’t worry the smell will fade away.

As I said before off-gassing in mattresses is very common and caused by VOCs(Volatile Organic Compounds).

So once your new sleep number bed arrives at your doorstep then don’t just sleep on it from Day 1.

Because sleep number bed will at least need 48 hours to 1 week for completing the off-gassing process.

Sleep number bed has air chambers just like air mattresses and smell can be trapped inside the air bladders so you need to remove the inner bladders and leave your mattress in a well-ventilated place.

Read More: Does Sleep Number Bed Stop Snoring

How Long Does Sleep Number Bed Take to Fade Away the Off-Gassing Smell?

Until and unless you remove the inner bladders of your sleep number bed and leave it in a ventilated room for at least 48 hours then only the smell will fade away.

But most of the users who purchased sleep number beds are complaining that the smell of sleep number beds is not going.

Why Does My Sleep Number Bed Smell (Reasons & Solution) 2023

But if you have a little bit of patience then most of the sleep number bed’s smell will fade away within a week/

How to speed up the off-gassing process of Sleep Number Bed

To speed up the off-gassing process of sleep number bed you can do the following steps.

Step 1: Place Your Mattress in another room

First do not use a sleep number mattress which causes a bad smell because you need to wait until the odor is completely gone.

So do not try to sleep on your bed until the odor fades away.

Because sleeping in a bed which is causing a bad smell can trigger allergies.

Remove the inner bladders of a sleep number bed and hung them in the garage on some ropes.

And Place your mattress in another room with open windows and you can turn on fans to fastening up the off-gassing process.

Step 2: Add Baking Soda

If you don’t know, baking soda is a natural odor neutralizer that neutralizes all types of odor.

So once you place your bed in ventilated place or room, open the windows and sprinkle some baking soda on your mattress.

Step 3: Vacuum Up & Repeat

After sprinkling baking soda, wait for at least 8 hours and vacuum up baking soda from your bed the next day.

If your bed still has an off-gassing smell then again sprinkle baking soda the next day and vacuum it up after 8 hours.

Repeat this process until the off-gassing smell completely fades away.

Usually, it takes 48 hours but if your sleep number bed is still smelling then wait for a few days more.

Does the Sleep Number Bed need to air out?

Yes, unlike the other mattresses, the sleep number bed also needs to air out for a couple of days for the off-gassing process to complete.

You can use baking soda on your sleep number bed to fasten up this process.

Some models of sleep number beds can be defective so you need to contact their support team and tell them your problem in detail.

Final Words

Sleep number bed is one of the best and most innovative mattresses in the united states.

But unlike the other mattresses, the sleep number bed also needs time for the off-gassing smell to fade away.

So do not sleep on the sleep number bed when it arrives, place your new sleep number bed in a ventilated room for a couple of days.

Remove the air bladders and hung them with ropes and leave the mattress with some baking soda for a few days.

If you follow these all steps then the smell will be 100% gone.

If you have any questions regarding the smell of sleep number beds then you can ask them in the comment section of this article.